Trout Fishing in Central Scotland
Maps and Information on Trout Fishing Lochs and Rivers in Central Scotland
The region I have defined as Central Scotland is bordered on the north by the Great Glen and in the south by the Firths of Forth and Clyde (very roughly by a line drawn between Glasgow and Edinburgh), the area stretching northward from the Forth & Clyde Canal as far as Inverness, and from Aberdeen in the east to Islay in the south-west, with the Central Highlands of Scotland in between. Here there are magnificent mountains, high corrie lochans, heather moors dotted with peaty moorland lochs, wooded glens and long glacial lochs offering fine fly fishing for truly wild brown trout, whether from the shore or from a drifting boat. Here we find such famous brown trout fisheries as Carron Valley and Loch leven, the beautiful lochs of the Trossachs along with hundreds of lochs lying among the rugged western hills …. and we mustn’t forget the renowned river trout fishing on the Tay, Tummel, Deveron and Don.

Detailed maps of specific Scottish trout fishing areas can be accessed from the drop-down menus at the top of this website.
Further information, photographs etc. for each area can be viewed at (suitable for viewing on larger screens such as desktops). Below is a list of links to the relevant pages for each individual trout fishing centre in central Scotland, with the focus on loch fishing.